Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cripcast 12

This is a longer show since I played about five songs from Jessy Moss. She saw that I had played some music on the podcast so decided to send me two of her CDs; Down At The Disco and Fast & Cheap. I did not play them back-to-back but throughout the show. I played Beat To A Pulp and Old Glory both from Down At The Disco. I also played Wishbitch, NYC and Bitten Off all from Fast & Cheap. I got these songs from the Podsafe Music Network so there is permission to play these on the podcast.

Here are the links to her web page and her myspace page.

I talked about a post on the Disability Nation Blog about killing disabled babies. You can find this Blog post and others at the following link.

I briefly spoke about the election results and about my night out on Saturday. I then talked about getting rid of one of my nurses due to sleeping. I also talked about some changes with my ventilator settings (contain your enthusiasm).

I then talked about two movies I saw from the Spiritual Cinema Circle. Emmanuel's Gift and Speechless. These were both from 2006 - Volume 6.
You can get more information about the Spiritual Cinema Circle at the following link.


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